Textbook - Personal Finance: Plan, Invest, Enjoy!
Second Edition 2025
Published by Captus Press Inc.
Author: Wilf Roesler
The publishing of this textbook was supported by major contributions from professors and industry professionals. Content contributors include academics, investment and legal professionals. Available at several Alberta campuses, with relevant content intended for university and college courses, financial planners, as well as new and sophisticated investors alike.
Aligned to the FP Canada Body of Knowledge for the QAFP and CFP designations. Topics include financial planning processes with an emphasis on the benefits of planning, time value of money, taxation basics and strategies, family law considerations, consumer credit products, retirement planning, registered plans, the basics and importance of estate planning, and investing essential analytical processes & strategies.
Available in softcover print, eBook, and audio. Instructor resources are available including chapter summaries, exam bank, excel templates, formula sheet, and an acronym dictionary.
Reach out to the publisher for any requests:
University Courses
Wilf has also authored three financial planning courses offered by several universities. These courses are offered as part of degree programs and support the QAFP and CFP designations offered by FP Canada.
Volunteer Work
CPA Canada Financial Literacy
The team at Kompass Financial know the importance of giving back to their community. They do this through volunteering with programs like CPA Canada Financial Literacy that provide financial literacy education sessions to:
post-secondary students
small & medium businesses
To find out more about the CPA Canada Financial Literacy options that are available for yourself, your family, or your small business by clicking CPA Canada Financial Literacy.
FP Canada Research Foundation
Wilf served as a member of the FP Canada Research Foundation which provides direction and funding on technical, behavioural and societal research and education within financial planning.
To learn more, please visit FP Canada.

For details regarding the textbook, click here.
O/B Kompass Financial Advisory Inc.
Here to help you with all your financial planning needs.
© 2025. All rights reserved.
Raina Rudko
Wilf Roesler